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Image of Ethan Workman

Ethan Workman

Ethan is an Evidence Specialist in the Ecosystems Analysis team at the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC). He supports UK terrestrial biodiversity monitoring through work across JNCC’s monitoring schemes. He also leads on the communications and stakeholder engagement on JNCC’s Sustainable Consumption work, looking at the global environmental impacts of consumption.

Newly recognised Official Statistic tracks the environmental impact of our consumption

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aerial shot of a forest canopy

Nearly all the food we eat, clothes we wear, and cosmetics we use contain commodities grown in fields and forests around the world.

The environmental impact of our consumption habits is becoming more widely understood. To understand this, in this post, JNNC Evidence Specialist Ethan Workman discusses the Global Environmental Impacts of Consumption (GEIC) Indicator which is gathering key insights on this.