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The Habitat Target: creating and restoring habitats across England

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Land use, Nature, Wetland, Wildlife
image of colourful flowers in amongst moss

The Government is working towards meeting the legally binding biodiversity target to restore or create more than 500,000 hectares of wildlife-rich habitat by 2042 in England. Read this post to find out what action the Government is taking to achieve this target.

Introducing the deposit return scheme for drinks containers

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Community, Recycling, Resources and waste, Sustainability
Beach filled with empty plastic bottles

This week, the Government pledged to end the throwaway society and clean up Britain; as it implements legislation for the deposit return scheme for drinks containers in England and Northern Ireland. 

Read our post to find out more.

Newly recognised Official Statistic tracks the environmental impact of our consumption

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Climate change, Nature, Sustainability
aerial shot of a forest canopy

Nearly all the food we eat, clothes we wear, and cosmetics we use contain commodities grown in fields and forests around the world.

The environmental impact of our consumption habits is becoming more widely understood. To understand this, in this post, JNNC Evidence Specialist Ethan Workman discusses the Global Environmental Impacts of Consumption (GEIC) Indicator which is gathering key insights on this.

Living England: a national habitat map for everyone 

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Nature, NCEA programme, Research and data analysis, Wildlife
Illustrative map of the Living England habitat map.

Amy Woodget is the Communications and Engagement Lead for the Living England project. In this post, she introduces the latest release of Natural England’s ‘Living England’ dataset – a digital map providing information on England’s broad habitats.

75th Anniversary of the National Parks Act: New legislation to ensure Protected Landscapes are fit for the future

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: 30by30, Access and engagement, Nature, Protected Landscapes, Wildlife
View over Dartmoor National Park.

Today is the 75th anniversary of the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act. Read how the government is marking the occasion by empowering our Protected Landscapes.

Sustainable festivities: how you can reduce your waste this Christmas

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Image of frozen birch trees

The festive period is a time to celebrate and enjoy decorating trees, giving gifts and eating lots of delicious food. But all of this can have an impact on the environment. In this post, the Environment blog team will share actions you can take to enjoy festivities sustainably.