We are pleased to announce the publication of step-by-step guidance taking you through the biodiversity net gain process.
The guidance drafting process has been a truly collaborative effort, involving a range of government departments and ALBs such as Natural England, Forestry Commission, and the Environment Agency.
We are very grateful to the multiple stakeholders who we frequently engaged and consulted with to ensure guidance works best for users.
Defra guidance
Defra guidance covers the following BNG areas:
- Introduction to BNG
- Combining payments (stacking and bundling)
- What counts towards BNG (additionality)
- Exemptions from BNG
- Biodiversity metric
- Onsite and offsite BNG
- Statutory biodiversity credits
- Securing gain sites (legal agreements)
- Biodiversity gain plan
- Habitat Management and Monitoring Plans
Further guidance
DLUHC have also provided draft BNG planning practice guidance here: Draft biodiversity net gain planning practice guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) DLUHC guidance covers further legal and technical aspects of BNG, including guidance on the planning process, phased development, enforcement and more.
We welcome feedback on the guidance, particularly in the run up to BNG coming into force. Please find a survey linked to each guidance page.
Comment by Kate Russell posted on
The links to the guidance don't work! They appear to be links to Sharepoint documents which aren't accessible.
Comment by charliecoombs posted on
Thank you for notifying us - These have now been updated and should work